Wrist pain affects everything… writing, cooking, driving, cleaning, washing, and even eating. It’s no wonder, then, that discomfort in your wrist can make you feel frustrated, sick and tired, and generally exasperated at most things in life. In fact, we’ve seen countless patients give up on the things they love most due to daily, nagging wrist pain. This is not a situation we want to see you in. We understand how desperately you need relief, and that’s why this special blog post looks at why some people experience wrist pain, what is really is, and – thankfully – what can be done to relieve you of your daily soreness. We want you to start taking the right actions to get back to the pain-free life you deserve. So, let’s get started. [...]
If you’re reading this, you might very well be asking yourself: “How do I get rid of my annoying knee pain?” This is a fairly commonplace question, as for those of us who suffer from knee pain it is usual to scour any source of information in order to find the answers we need just to stop the nagging, debilitating pain. The good news is, you’ve finally come to the right place… you’re not alone and there is help! In this post we look at why knee pain becomes a nagging pain, what the symptoms of knee pain are, and what can be done to alleviate the discomfort. It’s time to take action against knee pain once and for all. So, let’s dive in. [...]
Nagging Running Pains and How to Fix ThemToday’s blog is a special entry for all you runners out there. We know you love to run, and we also know you value fitness and health. Running has become, for you, a metaphor for life: determination, mobility, and freedom. And yet, for some of you reading our blog right now, this might not be the case anymore. An injury may have gotten you down: your morning run just isn’t the same anymore, and that nagging feeling in your leg/knee/ankle/calf just doesn’t seem to be going away. Well, if that sounds familiar, we have a serious question for you: why are you running away from your injury? All too many people run away from physical therapy in the hope that the pain will disappear on its own. Some even run through the pain just to avoid being told that they have to take it easy, stop, or rest for a little while. The truth is, running away from the pain honestly doesn’t make it better – you may know this by now. In this post we chat about what it means to have irritating, sometimes frustrating running injuries, and what can be done about them… if you make the right choices for your health! [...]
If you’re reading this and wondering why in the world ‘concussion’ has anything to do with physical therapy, exercise, or health, then we’re glad you’re here. The truth is, this invisible injury could wreak havoc on your wellness and, in some heartbreaking cases, could result in painful, debilitating symptoms…for years! It is not something to take lightly, so we’re here to fill you in on all the particulars of concussion, its signs, and all the actions you can take when it comes to this hidden condition. [...]
Who doesn’t love hiking? On the trail we are immersed in the open air, wildlife, beautiful, rugged terrain, fresh water streams, and… ankle injuries? Yes, you heard that right. Hiking often goes hand-in-hand with some fairly severe ankle twists, sprains, and even fractures or breaks! It’s not hard to guess why, mind you, because from loose rocks, to uneven footpaths, hiking poses a big threat when it comes to the wellness of your ankles. Don’t despair though, we’re not asking you to pack away your hiking gear and take to the treadmill instead. Rather, we’re here to chat to you about how ankle injuries during your hike can be prevented, and why being mindful of their probability and severity puts you in good stead to steer clear of them! [...]
Golf… it’s a sport that calls to mind beautiful Saturday mornings, a cold beer at the club after a great 18-hole day, and that elusive birdie you’ve been trying to get for years. And while this all sounds pretty much idyllic, you might be surprised to know that playing golf causes nearly as many injuries as some contact sports! It’s true, and while shocking, it actually makes a lot of sense. The techniques players employ in their swings, gaits, and strokes, often have painful consequences for the back and shoulders. In fact, shoulder pain is so common amongst golfers that it has fast become one of the injuries we treat most often. So, in this post we chat to you about what it means to have shoulder pain, how you know it’s golf-related, and what to do if you’re suffering from it right now. With that having been said, let’s tee up and get started! [...]
Getting injured can really set your exercise and fitness routine back a notch! And worst of all… it can be a total pain in the butt in more ways than one. Can you guess what we mean? If you’re reading this, you may have heard of piriformis syndrome before, or perhaps your just curious – either way, we’re here to tell you what it is, what causes it, and what you can do about it. That way, you’ll know why you’re in pain and you can “butt to the chase”, so to speak! [...]
By now I’m sure you’re well aware of the benefits related to daily cardio, stretching, and resistance activities. Not only does your heart get a massive health-boost, but your entire body feels more supple and strong; your immune system is strengthened and you generally feel better. So, if you know all this, and have most likely experienced the positive effects of a daily workout routine yourself, why is it so hard to stick to a healthy pattern? Why is a daily exercise regime so difficult to maintain? The truth is, the reason we don’t stick to our guns is usually because of a busy work schedule; alternately, it could be because we can’t fit time into a hectic – and often delicate – work/family balance. We understand this predicament, and that’s why we’re offering you some useful tips on how to fit that much-needed exercise into your life, no matter the time constraints or pressures you face. Take a look! [...]
Unless you’re gifted with extraordinary medical abilities, you probably can’t immediately tell the difference between a pulled muscles or something else. Hey, let’s face it, most people aren’t doctors. Not everyone can instinctively tell where their pains are coming from. And, if you’re reading this post, my guess is that you might be one the ones who struggle a little. The good news is, though, it’s absolutely normal not to know the cause of your pain; both people who suffer from sudden, fleeting pain, as well as those who experience ongoing, chronic pain, are often dumbfounded as to its cause. More often than not, though, people jump to the conclusion that they’ve pulled muscles. The effects of this type of ill-informed opinion can be life-changing, and that is why we’re about to expose the hidden answers behind what it means to have a pulled muscles, and whether or not something completely different might be going on. [...]
Ever been in a foreign country and tried to order off of a long, complicated, alien looking menu? Did you use hand signals to describe the dish you wanted? Did you whip out your phone and hope Google has the answers? And, in the end, did you just close your eyes and trust that what landed on your plate was pork, not pizza? Yes, this situation can be frustrating, especially when you don’t end up getting what you want! Well, let me tell you a secret… when you’re in pain, your body is frantically waving hand signals, pointing at pictures, and speaking in a foreign language. Why? Because it needs you to give it what it wants. [...]
Neck pain and upper back pain may be two of the most common ailments people experience. From struggling to move your neck, to worrying about the position you sit in on your favorite sofa, pain in the upper torso is debilitating. Yet, many of those who experience these kinds of issues haven’t suffered a fall, twisted their necks unnaturally, or been on rollercoasters since their pain started. For most people, the cause of neck pain or upper back discomfort can’t be pinpointed: there is no single unique moment in which their backs or necks could have been injured. What then? How did they come to be in so much pain? And if you’re reading this, you’re probably thinking the same thing about yourself. Fear not, however, because we’re here to help. In this post, we’ll be investigating the hidden causes that have led to your neck and upper back pain. We’ll also be looking at what to do about it and which steps to take next. [...]
For many of us, exercise is more than a general walk in the park. In reality, it’s a part of who we are, and our dedication to training programs, fitness, and health, goes above and beyond. From running, to swimming, to CrossFit, and to hiking, we just love to do it. Every day we push ourselves harder – we run faster, swim further, and lift more. Yet while our daily habits may seem outwardly healthy, we may actually be doing ourselves harm in the long run. Why? Well, for some of us the exercise routines we’ve come to love have turned from ‘healthy’ to ‘unbalanced’. In other words, as we’ve pushed ourselves on the court, in the pool, or on the bike, we’ve lost track of our personal limits - we’ve fallen prey to what is generally called Overuse Training Syndrome. Now, if the name intimidates you, don’t fear. In this post, we discuss the causes and effects of OTS and we give you advice on how to get back in the right gear. [...]
Back pain: very few people go through life without feeling its debilitating effects. From dull aches to sharp, stabbing sensations, back pain can afflict many of us in various ways. For a some people, back pain is a prolonged struggle that can strike at any moment, the intensity and heartache of which seems to increase over time if left untreated. For others, however, back pain seems to appear later on in life, and the predominant assumption is that it is therefore age related. Here’s the thing, though: it isn’t necessarily true. Yes, that’s right. Back pain – especially when you’re older – actually has very little to do with your age and a lot more to do with your lifestyle. In this post we look at why we often mistake middle-age back pain for something “normal” or “natural”, and we discuss some of the ways in which you can overcome the pain and get back to the active, mobile lifestyle you deserve. [...]
The sudden pain you’ve experienced in the back of your heel during or after your morning run, workout, or squat has a name… Achilles Tendonitis. And though it’s a mouthful to pronounce, its symptoms and aftermath are more common. In this post, we look at the effects and causes of this uncomfortable, oftentimes painful affliction, and we give you the tools to overcome its debilitating effects on your exercise routine and lifestyle. [...]
If you generally step more gently as you go down the stairs, hold the hand-railing a little bit tighter, and take careful note of where your feet land next… you’re not alone. The vast majority of us either consciously or subconsciously fear the sudden jolt and feeling of vertigo related to feeling taking a tumble – not to mention the pain that comes afterwards! Our worst fears are realized when we start to think about the horrendous consequences of a fall: hip-fractures, muscle tears, back pain, even broken legs all come to mind. Yikes! Is it any wonder that a common nightmarish theme is falling out of bed? In fact, a fear of falling is so common that most people don’t even know they’re afraid! That’s right – the fear isn’t consciously spoken about or acknowledged, rather it translates into minute, prolonged posture and gait abnormalities which, if left unnoticed, can wreak havoc on one’s mobility and self-confidence. That’s why this post looks at why most people are secretly afraid of falling, why most don’t even know they’re afraid, and – thankfully – what we can do about tackling this problem. [...]
We’ve all been there… our hands clutching at our thighs in the hope of relieving hip-stress as we get up or sit down; a grimace on our faces as we try to grapple with what we think are signs of aging while easing into the bath; a frown as we get out of the car, straining to carry the weight in our legs, not our hips. Hip pain: most of us have experienced it, and if you’re reading this, you’re probably still suffering from its tell-tail discomfort. And yet, for most of you reading this, your pain isn’t related to any sort of injury you can think of – it just arrived and has decided to stay. The good news is, though its origins are unknown, hip-pain can be treated and alleviated. In this post, we’re looking at some of the reasons you might be suffering from hip discomfort – and better still – some of the ways in which you can become pain free, right now. [...]
Knee pain affects almost every single person at some point in their lives. From sprains, to cartilage issues, all the way through to posture-related injuries and muscle tears, knee pain seems to play a role in the sometimes debilitating struggle for a pain-free life. We understand how the nagging, irritating, and oftentimes overwhelming pain in your knee affects your day-to-day activities, not to mention your social life, and that’s why this post is all about knee pain: what it is, why it is, and what can be done about it. [...]
“Core Strength”… You’ve seen these words on billboards advertising gym memberships, on the latest health-trend manifestos, and on the front page of your fitness magazine. You’ve even heard your close friends and family members chatting about the value of core strength. And yet, you’re not really sure what it is, why it’s important, or why it should even matter to you. The good news is, this post is about to enlighten you. We’re going to give you the ins-and-outs of core strength, its necessity, and what it really means for your health. [...]
Neck and shoulder pain may be the most common ailment faced by most people these days. That having been said, it is often the most mysterious, too. Pinpointing the exact cause for shoulder or neck problems is particularly tricky, and the underlying cause of the pain may be due to many differing factors. In this post, we take a look at not only what causes shoulder and neck pain, but also how we can prevent and heal that pain, right now. [...]
The holidays are upon us… and with the festive season comes a feast of cakes, desserts, late night snacks, and indulgent lunches. At this time of year, then, it seems especially difficult to keep healthy and to stay fit. Many of us have children, families, and friends to socialize with during this time, too, and finding an hour or two a day to keep track of our habits and fitness level seems, well, near impossible. [...]
For many of us, the holiday season is accompanied by food, family, and oftentimes a headache or two. Headaches are, in fact, one of the most common ailments many patients face during the festive season – albeit literally or figuratively [...]
As we approach one of the biggest holidays of the year, I know many of you can practically feel the stress baring down on you – from gifts, to parties, to kids, to food, to travel arrangements, and even to family matters, these things add up! Stress is no joke, and it affects almost every part of our lives: body, mind, spirit, and even social life. We all have to find ways to cope under the pressure of life, and that’s why this post is all about how you can start combating stress, right now. [...]
Are you in pain and just can’t seem to break free of the discomfort? Or, are you feeling under the weather, stiff, groggy, without energy, and just plain drained? If so, then it might be time to turn your attention to your sleeping habits. Your sleep is essential not just for your mood, but for your health. In this post I look at how sleep affects your health and why paying attention to your sleeping habits might just be the breakthrough you’re looking for on your journey to a pain free life. [...]
It is that time of the year again; kids are back at school, the gym is filling up, the courts are being used, and track and field is back in full swing. Exercise abound, it’s tempting to imagine yourself as a professional gymnast, a basketball player, or the next Hussein Bolt. New seasons mean new opportunities, but while these challenging new goals and habits offer an air of excitement, many people don’t take the time to listen to their bodies as they undertake new adventures. [...]
Physical therapy has always been shrouded in mystery, and the truth is many people don’t really know what it is. Some think that physical therapists only stretch muscles, or rehabilitate athletes. Others feel as though physiotherapy is an intense massage, or even just a way to avoid being stiff after a workout. As a physical therapist with many years of experience, I can honestly say that, despite all these conflicting ideas about physical therapy, one thing remains constant: most people believe we heal pain. And yes – we do heal pain, but what most people don’t understand is that physical therapy is NOT only about healing pain… it is about SO much more than that. This may sound controversial, but keep reading. [...]
David Curtis"Helping on-the-move Mom's, Dad's and busy executives in Fairfield County, CT return to a pain free, active lifestyle without the use of medications, injections, surgery or unnecessary trips to the physician's office" Archives
November 2023